Saturday, January 1, 2011


Trying to catch up again.

Mon- Dating Sage (Riddler workout)
5 RFT:
10 Snatch 95lb
15 Pull-ups
20 Thrusters- 75 lbs

Tue- Rest day

Wed- One-Two
30 Pull-ups
50 KBS- 55lb
75 Sit-ups
50 Push-ups
30 Front Squat- 95 lbs
50 Back Ext
30 Hang Squat Cleans- 95 lbs
30 KTE
35 Dips
21 Snatches- 95 lbs
75 Sit-ups

Thur- missed

Fri DT from Mainsite on 24 Dec

Sat- Super Century
1RFT, partition as you need
100 Push-ups
100 Pull-ups
100 Ring Dips
100 Box Jumps 18"
100 DU's
100 GHD sit-ups
100 HSPU
100 Wall Ball 20lb/10' target
100 Back ext
100 KTE
100 KBS 55lb
100 Burpees
1000m Row


  1. Mon- 29:02 CPT
    Wed- 40:25.31 CPT
    Fri- Did not do DT as I was getting ready for Sat WOD. Just did light workout and stretching
    Sat - 103min. I thought it would take about 80 mins. I broke up the sets in 10 rep increments except for the HSPU which I just did as many as I could each time. I think next time I will do as many as I can of each group and move on. I will also bring some energy food because I was gassed at the end. Will need a day off tomorrow before hitting it again on Mon.

    Hope you set some goals for the New Year.

  2. I forgot... On Tue on the rest day I went to row a nice easy day and ended up setting my PR for 5K at 19:29. I am trying to break 19. Getting closer.
