Wednesday, August 18, 2010

WOD 17 Aug 10

12 110yd sprints on the minute, rest for the time remaining

2 rds for time: modified from the CF Alaska site.

50 x KBS @ 20% BW
40 x Push-ups
30 x lunges
20 x toes to bar
10 x pull-ups

Each exercise is to be done without stopping. If you stop once you have started an exercise it is a 30 sec penalty. You may rest as long as you need between exercises.

1 comment:

  1. BAX killed Ski and I on this one.

    Bax 13:??
    CPT 22:3?
    Ski 24:??

    I felt like I had no energy and Ski just got back from leave. Excuses, I know everyone has them.
