Sunday, August 22, 2010

WOD 20 Aug 10


500 DU's for time

then Clean and Jerk practice

NO class today

1 comment:

  1. Bax- 11:??
    Ski- 13:??, I think
    CPT- 17:30, that was my first time doing 500 DU's, my calves were smoked. I do not like that as I used to jump rope quite a bit when I was wrestling. Must be out of practice.

    We all worked on C&J. Ski used his iPod to video us so we could see what our form looked like. Ski has good form. Jeff and I needed a little coaching. I changed my grip the the hook grip and was able to get 185 and the last time I could only get 165 because I could not front squat any heavier since I could not get it to the rack position. Practice helps.
